Struggling Students: Energize the Body and Fuel the Brain

One of the most important things we can teach our children is that the food that we eat plays a vital role in our health and cognition. Unfortunately, we live in a consumer society and children are constantly targeted by large companies that entice them into consuming junk foods and drinks that are void of nutrients and are packed with harmful and addictive fillers. In fact, I continually see students that have poor diets consisting of processed foods, starchy entrees and sugary snacks. Sadly, if you even suggest changing their diets to healthy options, many adamantly oppose, as their are hooked to this lifestyle. You can see that they are undernourished, because their skin coloration is often pallid and pasty, they have trouble focusing their attention, many are irritable, and most are struggling at school. That’s right, when kids do not consume healthy fats, vegetables, and other whole foods, it can lead to a whole slew of physical and mental challenges.

What Can Be Done to Get the Needed Nourishment into Youngsters?
One of my favorite ideas for these finicky eaters is to suggest that they make their own trail mix or “brain food.”  This consists of organic nuts, seeds, and dried fruit that has no added sugar or starch. This is an easy snack that is high in omega-3 fatty acids that has been shown to help brain functions like memory, speaking ability, and motor skills. In addition, this tasty alternative offers high levels of protein that provides the amino acids that make up our neurotransmitters.  What’s more, these fats and proteins also help to produce the myelin sheath that forms memories that aid in the learning process.

Brain food can be used to boost energy during the school day, fill empty bellies when there is no time for breakfast, and it is an ideal snack before starting homework. Before long, you will find that your kids will be sharing this healthy option with their friends!  

Where Can I Get Brain Food Ingredients?
My favorite place to purchase these nutritious foods is Tierra Farms. They are a terrific, American run company that uses all organic ingredients. In addition, they have a deeply discounted wholesale option for any small business.  Wholesale accounts also qualify for 3 free samples per order, and free next day shipping with order over $300.00. If you decide to use another distributor, please read the ingredients as many manufacturers use additives,  sweeteners, and non-organic products.  

What are Some Options?  
Letting kids create their own brain food medley is a fun and motivating activity. In addition, making a large batch and placing the mixture into baggies, tupperware bins or jars can make it a quick and convenient option.

Here are just a few options to choose from when creating your mixture.
Dried Fruit
Apples rings
Pumpkin Seeds (Pepitas)
Apricot Kernels
Brazil Nuts
Sunflower Seeds
Sesame Seeds
Coconut flakes

Cranberries (sweetened with organic apple juice)

Pine Nuts


Goji berries

Golden berries

Jak fruit







Just writing this blog post, makes me want to go make myself a batch of brain food! I hope you will try making some for yourself and share this nutritious snack with others.

Multisensory Educational Materials for Students
If you are searching for fun and multisensory educational materials, be sure to come on over to Good Sensory Learning. Learning specialists, educational therapists, teachers and parents can find lessons, remedial activities, cognitive therapy publications, educational games and more.
Dr. Erica Warren is the author, illustrator and publisher of multisensory educational materials at Good Sensory Learning and Dyslexia Materials.  She is also the director of Learning to Learn and Go Dyslexia, in Ossining, NY.  To learn more about her products and services, you can go to,, &  
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