Struggling Students: Energize the Body and Fuel the Brain
One of the most important things we can teach our children is that the food that we eat plays a vital role in our health and cognition. Unfortunately, we live in a consumer society and children are constantly targeted by large companies that entice them into consuming junk foods and drinks that are void of nutrients and are packed with harmful and addictive fillers. In fact, I continually see students that have poor diets consisting of processed foods, starchy entrees and sugary snacks. Sadly, if you even suggest changing their diets to healthy options, many adamantly oppose, as their are hooked to this lifestyle. You can see that they are undernourished, because their skin coloration is often pallid and pasty, they have trouble focusing their attention, many are irritable, and most are struggling at school. That’s right, when kids do not consume healthy fats, vegetables, and other whole foods, it can lead to a whole slew of physical and mental challenges. What Can Be Done to Get the N...