Language Processing Disorder: 12 Easy Steps to Boost Receptive Language

The spoken word gives human’s an incredible advantage over other species, but for those that struggle with language processing, this “invisible difficulty,” can create countless challenges.  What’s more, this problem often goes unnoticed and many of these students are misunderstood and mislabeled as inattentive, careless, lazy absent-minded, and defiant.

What is a Language Processing Disorder?
Language processing disorders are not uncommon, and it is a difficulty that impacts communication and social relations. This disorder can impact a student’s ability to understand language (receptive language) and/or express their thoughts (expressive language). Like many cognitive based challenges, it can manifest in a variety of ways. One student might struggle to outline their thoughts, while another might battle with accessing the right word or name from their memory banks, following a sequence of directives, or even maintaining attention. In addition, a student may experience difficulties with either receptive language or expressive language.  Some struggle with a combination: expressive/receptive language disorder.

Signs and Symptoms of Language Processing Difficulties
There are a number of signs and symptoms that can serve as red flags for language processing problems.

Common Expressive Language Difficulties:
  • Develops the ability to speak later than most youngsters
  • Struggles with weak vocabulary and learning new words
  • Confusions with verb tenses
  • Frustrates with word finding difficulties
  • Troubles communicating thoughts
  • Jumbles words and says things that are nonsensical
  • Repeats themselves when telling stories or answering questions
  • Difficulties expressing ideas in writing

Common Receptive Language Difficulties:
  • Appears disinterested or distracted when in conversation or social interactions
  • Misinterprets or misunderstands verbal or written directives
  • Appears shy or withdrawn
  • Struggles understanding sarcasm or jokes
  • Difficulties with reading comprehension
  • Troubles telling jokes

Getting Tested for Language Processing Disorders
If the warning signs listed above describe a child, the next step is to pursue an evaluation. You can acquire testing with a local speech and language pathologist, or if the child is in school, one can request that the local public school conduct a free evaluation.  Even if the child is in a private school, testing can be requested at your local school district.

12 Easy Treatment Options for Language Processing Disorders
If a language disorder is present or suspected, individual sessions with a speech and language professional or educational therapist can help develop the needed skills.  As another option, you can acquire tools that can help to develop these skills.  Here are 12 different resources. If you select the title, you can learn more about these products.
  1. Speech and Language Bundle
  2. Following Directions Bundle
  3. Reversing Reversals Primary
  4. Making Inferences the Fun and Easy Way
  5. Word Shuffle
  6. Hey, What's the Big Idea
  7. The Main I-Deer
  8. 5 Ws Detectives
  9. Show Don't Tell
  10. Abstract Thinking and Multiple Meanings
  11. Categorizing, paragraph Building and Transitional Words Activities
  12. Memory Master
I hope you found this blog helpful!  If you have any questions, feel free to reach out and contact me at
Dr. Erica Warren is the author, illustrator and publisher of multisensory educational materials at Good Sensory Learning and Dyslexia Materials.  She is also the director of Learning to Learn and Go Dyslexia, in Ossining, NY.  To learn more about her products and services, you can go to,, &  

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