Online Academic Support Services: A New Option for Struggling Students

Would you please take two minutes to fill out our very brief but important questionnaire about how to choose an online academic support service!

            Click here to take the survey now!

After years of tinkering with various ways to offer online remedial sessions and academic support services, we’ve finally reached a point where we don’t have to sacrifice quality for access. With all the new platforms and tools to communicate online (e.g., Skype, Zoom, Google Chat), assistive technologies, browser add-ons, and the faster Internet connections, learning specialists can finally provide high-quality sessions to their students (and parents and trainees!).

This development has become especially important to those of us in rural areas where there are little to no resources.

Yet, it still begs the question: What is the best way to choose an online service? What technology tools do I need to provide my child? How is an online session different from a live session?

These and other questions will be answered in an upcoming webinar conducted by Dr. Erica Warren and Dr. Michael Hart.

First, though, in order to help us best prepare to support you, we’d like to ask for two minutes of your time so we can learn more about your thoughts and your questions on this topic. Please fill out the following survey so we can make sure that we are giving you the information you need!

            Click here to take the survey now!

Dr. Michael Hart
Michael Hart, Ph.D. is a child psychologist with 25 years of experience in the diagnostic assessment and treatment of a full range of learning differences, including dyslexia and (AD/HD). He is the founder/owner of and is currently providing webinars, online courses and onsite presentations/training for parents regarding the proper educational care of our dyslexic students.

Dr. Erica Warren
Dr. Erica Warren Ed.D. is an educational therapist with 18 years of experience in individualized remediation, multisensory teaching, diagnostic evaluations, advocacy, teacher education and the designing of remedial materials.  She is the founder of LearningtoLearn
GoodSensoryLearning and

Thanks so much for your time and assistance.


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