My Thriving Practice: How Can I Become a Learning Specialist?
Did you know that teachers stay in the field of education for an average of only two years? Many of these people slogged through years upon years of schooling and accrue tens of thousands of school-based loans only to find that the job they longed for was nonexistent. What's the next step? Did You Ever Consider Being a Learning Specialist? I have been getting a ton of questions about what it takes to create a learning specialist practice. I have a simple way for you to get many of your questions and concerns answered! Sign up for my Successful Learning Specialist Practice VIP list and let me teach you strategies for success!! What is a Learning Specialist? Learning specialists are teachers/coaches who are skilled at providing support to struggling students. They can find employment in private schools or set up a practice outside of formal schooling. These educators work individually or in small groups to provide intensive instruction and support that meets the individual needs of ...