Excellent Reading Comprehension: Developing the 3 Core Cognitive Skills
Every teacher would love to ignite a love for reading and nurture voracious readers, but simply teaching your students how to read and asking them to read each night isn't necessarily going to help them comprehend the text that they are scanning. The key to helping your students get lost in the pages depends on whether they have developed 3 foundational cognitive skills. What are There 3 Cognitive Skills? Automatized Naming (RAN): RAN or rapid naming is the ability to quickly verbalize a series of familiar items including letters, numbers, colors or objects. Research suggests that RAN is much like executive functioning in that it is a control center. RAN is a complex set of cognitive processing areas - verbal, visual and motor systems - that work together thus defining one’s reading fluency capabilities. Decoding: Most students are taught in the traditional classroom how to decode. Decoding is the ability to recognize and ana lyze printed words and to connect it t...